ايست NOD32 مضاد للفيروسات مستخدم واحد ترخيص لمدة سنة واحدة

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الشركة المصنعةEset
مدى التوفر:في المخزن 1000 القطع
رمز المنتج:ENA0M11Y
1.) ESET NOD32 Antivirus represents a new approach to truly integrated computersecurity. The most recent version of the ESET LiveGrid® scanning engine utilizes speed and precision to keep your computersafe. The result is an intelligent system that is constantly on alert for attacks and malicious software that might endanger your computer. 2.)ESET NOD32 Antivirus is a complete security solution that combines maximum protection and a minimal system footprint. Our advanced technologies use artificial intelligence to prevent infiltration by viruses, spyware, trojan horses, worms, adware, rootkits, and other threats without hindering system performance or disrupting your computer

Redesigned user interface - The user interface in version 10 has been significantly redesigned and
simplified based on the results of usability testing.

Antivirus and antispyware - Proactively detects and cleans more known and unknown viruses, worms,
trojans and rootkits.

Regular updates - Regularly updating the detection engine (previously known as "virus
signature database") and program modules is the best way to ensure the
maximum level of security on your computer.

Device control - Automatically scans all USB flash drives, memory cards and CDs/DVDs. Blocks
removable media based on the type of media, manufacturer, size and other

Gamer mode - Postpones all pop-up windows, updates or othersystem-intensive activities
to conserve system resources for gaming and other full-screen activities.


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